2015 Lifespan Society of B.C. Mini-Conference

The Lifespan Society of British Columbia is pleased to present our annual 2015 Mini-Conference. Interact and catch up with the the BC life extension community while enjoying the provided lunch. We have a fascinating collection of speakers this year who will be speaking on topics covering the science, philosophy, and day to day practices of contemporary life extension. You don't want to miss this event!

Speaker Line-Up:

Longevity and the Sedentary Lifestyle By: Jacob McGill

Jacob has 15 years of training in a variety of healing systems and has practiced Ortho-Bionomy and Pilates professionally for a decade.

He has spent thousands of hours studying studying anatomy, bio-mechanics, Chinese medicine, Bartenieff fundamentals, music, Laban movement analysis, Aikido, Systema, Bodytalk, Yoga, Pilates, Ortho-Bionomy, Huna Shamanism, Buddhism, quantum physics, Newtonian physics, Jungian psychology, NLP, Tibetan White Crane Kung-Fu, Zen meditation, wilderness survival, pre and perinatal psychology, real estate and economic fundamentals.
He is a serial entrepreneur, health span expert, super-connector and hub of resources.

Can Personal Telomeromics Turn Back The Clock? By: Darren Uretsky

Darren Uretsky is a biohacker turned blogger. He studied marketing at UBC before leaving to start Serenity Time R&R Essentials a private label local natural glacial clay skin care line. He is focused on finding ways to turn back the clock ranging from cutting edge breakthroughs to little known practices of the ancients. After nearly a decade Biohacking and tracking his progress, he is stronger, fitter, leaner, healthier, and feeling better than at any time in his life.

A Practical Approach to Life Extension: Based on the Latest Scientific Findings By: Ward Plunet

Ward Plunet has a Phd in neuroscience, from UBC. His research has included applying life extension treatments to help recovery from various injuries to the central and peripheral nervous system. He is now involved in multiple clinical trials that involve nutritional strategies to treat brain injuries and diseases.

Not-So-Radical: Effective Life Extension Rhetoric By: Keegan Macintosh

Keegan is a public speaking instructor, recovering law graduate, and former Executive Director of Lifespan Society. As a life extension activist, he has written and spoken extensively about various forms of life extension research. In his talk, Keegan aims to synthesize his observations of what “works” (and what doesn’t) in discussing these topics with uninitiated audiences, through the lens of good old fashioned rhetorical analysis.

The Nicoyan Lifestyle of Longevity By: Emily Fan

Emily Fan attended Simon Fraser University where she received her BSc in Molecular Biology in 2011. She proceeded to attend the University of Tübingen in Germany where she focused on implant development as a treatment for neurodegeneration. She received her MSc in Cell and Molecular Neuroscience in 2013. Returning to British Columbia she became involved in a an ongoing peripheral nerve implant development project with UBC and ICORD (International Collaboration On Repair Discoveries) an interdisciplinary research centre focused on spinal cord injury. Currently she splits her time between working as a lab manager in a molecular neuroscience lab at SFU, as a co-founder of Tubify: a health food startup, and as director and co-founder of the non-profit Open Science Network, the first community based biolab in Vancouver.

The Importance of Life Purpose in Longevity By: Luke Cockerham

Luke Cockerham is a co-founder of the Lifespan Society and currently practices as a general dentist in the Fraser Valley. He spent 4 years living in North America's only Blue Zone: Loma Linda California. He aspires to spark the formation of a holistic longevity community built on the accumulated wisdom of the world's cultures of longevity while taking advantage of ongoing discoveries in health and medicine.

Ethics of Genetic Enhancement By: Kenneth Bruskiewicz

Kenneth is studying computer science at Simon Fraser University. His interest in genetics was kindled while he was young by his father. He wishes to direct his career towards technologies that improve fundamental human capabilities, including intelligence and will.

Tickets are $30 on Meetup or $35 cash at the door.

Please inform us of any dietary restrictions. A vegetarian-friendly lunch will be provided.


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