Cryonics Summer Pool Party

Thanks to Marian for hosting this lovely event and providing home-made tacos. This event was organized in hopes of bringing cryonicists together to discuss how we could improve our situation locally. We also had David Ehrenreich filming his documentary on BC cryonicists and our efforts to bring public awareness to cryonics. David is a well-known filmmaker & cinematographer based out of Vancouver.

Marian, Witek, Luke, Carrie in a deep conversation.

Lifespan members work as a team to unbox the Lucas 2 for the first time at our event.

A Lifespan board member helps get the Lucas 2 working.

The Lifespan Society of BC intends to establish better readiness, standby and training support for local cryonicists. To this end we have acquired a Cryonics Institute Intermediate Standby Kit. We also recently purchase Terasem’s Alcor Kit which we are in the process of itemizing. We have a working Lucas Thumper 1 which we were going to station in Victoria, BC for our members there. More recently we acquired a Lucas Thumper 2 which will stay on the mainland. Ideally all volunteers have a rudimentary knowledge of the equipment and how to use it.

Out ultimate goal is to close the time gap between legal death and the start of cryonics procedures. Having a strong community is critical in assembling everything we need. In the event of a deanimation we would need to notify Alcor, (or CI, Tomorrow Biostasis) source 200s lbs of ice, equipment, secure funeral director cooperation. Someone could be getting the Lucas 2 thumper working while someone else is getting the king airway in, while another is inserting the temperature probe, while another is taking notes etc. There are many moving pieces during a case and panic can set in when we are not prepared.

Ideally a local team meets up on a regular basis to figure out what needs to be done, how to do it and who is doing it. The last time The Lifespan Society of BC had a full day training was in 2018 with the Cryonics Institute Kit. We intend to have a training with the full Alcor Kit in 2023. Stay posted.


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