UBC Halloween Debate

Spooky times at Lifespan UBC

Last weekend, we hosted a UBC Halloween-themed debate discussing Lifespan. We divided the room into two sides randomly, and members of each side were allowed 2 minutes to discuss their views of life-extension (either for or against). By the end of the debate, the negative side (against life-extension) were able to understand the pro-perspective better. This was about how life-extension does not have to be radical but can simply be improve health and well-being, to improve healthy lifespan. The affirmative side was able to understand the con-perspective better as well. These arguments were mostly about the radical views of Lifespan being a philosophical belief of anti-aging and resurrection after death that doesn't align with all faiths.

The event was a success, with a turnout of 8 people. It was insightful to know about the views of both sides, and everyone learnt a lot by the end of the debate. The members on each side were randomly selected so that people would be forced to think through the perspective of a stance they may or may not agree with. Encouraging this type of critical thinking allows us at Lifespan to affirm our beliefs, and allows us to remove stigma associated with Lifespan.

 Topics of our discussion included bridging the gap between philosophy and science, immortalism, anti-aging and resurrection, as well as cryonics and the ethics of Lifespan.

UBC Classroom Setup for Debate

For more events like this, UBC students can purchase a $10 membership. Food and networking opportunities will be provided, and students will receive free access to all our events, including our research seminar. You can also use our grip strength measuring machine (dynanometer).

We hope to host more future events at UBC so that we can educate UBC students about longevity and lifespan in a non-biased and scientific way. We want to remove the stigma associated with lifespan so that we can show students how to and why improving their health and well-being is beneficial for their lifespan in the long-term. Longevity isn't just about extending life, it's about having a healthy lifespan. It's about making conscious choices starting now to enrich our lives in a fulfilling way.


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