Lifespan Beach Day (2022)

The Lifespan Society kicks off the summer with a picnic and provided light snacks and refreshments toward meet-up participants. It was a fun meet up after what felt like an eternal winter. This year it was unusually cold/rainy in the summer and broke some weather records for cold/rain.

We discussed radical longevity (what it means) and introduced cryonics to some newcomers. Our mission is to explain science-based approaches to radical life extension and cryonics. We do it in a fun, casual way. We did briefly discuss the 7 causes of aging that SENS spearheaded years ago.  

1.      Intracellular waste

2.      Intercellular waste

3.      Nucleus mutations

4.      Mitochondrial mutations

5.      Stem cells loss

6.      Increase in senescent cells

7.      Increase of intercellular protein links


We also talked about two old films that had cryonics as a theme: Sleeper (1973) and Idiocracy (2006). It seemed like just yesterday when Idiocracy was a satire and not an accurate prediction.

Some participants were skeptical of Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition (CRON) for being effective in humans even though it works in most lower lifeforms (yeast, flies, mice, etc). We understand it doesn’t extend the life of primates much but some life-extensionists do take this route. Different interventions do come in and out of fashion, for example, Intermittent Fasting is very much “in” right now. I am trying that out because I believe it would help my body’s natural ability to clear senescent cells.


Genome Sequencing Comparison


Body Composition Scan (DEXA)