Game Night at UBC

On Friday, we hosted our first UBC event of the year, having a game night social for UBC lifespan enthusiasts. The event was a success, with a turnout of 6 people. We enjoyed a dinner and played a variety of games to socialise and get to know more about Lifespan. It was a great night of fun.

The first portion of the evening included social games such as Mafia, Charades and Cluedo to break the ice. After we played these games, we ate dinner, then proceeded to have an improv speaking contest about Lifespan-related topics, lasting for 2 minutes per speaker. We ended the night with a discussion on lifespan related issues based on the speeches given by attendees.

The discussion started based on COVID and the effects that it has had on longevity. Then, we progressed to discuss new giant-viruses surfacing due to climate change, and how our longevity would change based on these. Our discussion continued on an array of topics such as new research in genetics and neuroscience, preventative medicine and lifestyle changes, wearing sunscreen to prevent cancer etc.

We all talked about making key lifestyle changes from now in order to ensure a healthier lifespan fifty years down the line. Our discussion was enriching and we were able to cover some interesting ideas said with enthusiasm.


For more events like this, UBC students can purchase a $10 membership. Food and networking opportunities will be provided, and students will receive free access to all our events, including our research seminar. You can also use our grip strength measuring machine (dynanometer).

We hope to host more future events at UBC so that we can educate UBC students about longevity and lifespan in a non-biased and scientific way. We want to remove the stigma associated with lifespan so that we can show students how to and why improving their health and well-being is beneficial for their lifespan in the long-term. Longevity isn't just about extending life, it's about having a healthy lifespan. It's about making conscious choices starting now to enrich our lives in a fulfilling way.


In Time


Lifespan in 2022